This committee is responsible for reviewing applications for vacant board seats based on established criteria. Committee will interview candidates and make recommendations to the board.
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Chair TO BE ANNOUNCED Phone: Mobile: |
The committee is responsible for coordinating or assisting with financial activities of the board under the leadership of the Financial Officers.
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This committee is responsible for issuing courtesies on behalf of the board in times of illnesses, death or significant event concerning a board member where recognition is applicable. This courtesy may also be extended to University personnel or others the board deems that the action is appropriate. This committee may also be asked to assist with the coordination of refreshments for meetings via donation from members.
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This Committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the STATE Clubhouse and grounds. This committee is also responsible for opening the house at all home football games and ensures that someone is responsible for securing property at the end of the day or activity.
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This Committee is responsible for coordinating STATE Club communications via the website. All website posting must be approved by the applicable committee chair or the President. This committee will also assist with the development and publishing of Club Newsletter.
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This committee is responsible for the overall coordination of membership recruitment efforts. A key function includes processing membership applications submitted while maintaining and compiling membership information in a database/spreadsheet and includes specified associated tasks. This committee is supported by board area recruiters and chapter appointed liaisons.
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This committee is chaired by the immediate past president and is responsible for working with an appointed committee to prepare a slate of offers for voting toward the end of the 2-year term for the sitting officers.
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Chair TO BE ANNOUNCED Phone: Mobile: |
This committee is responsible for the overall management of the parking amenities for STATE Club Members, site preparation, pass distribution, security, other related functions, and member services.
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This committee is responsible for the coordination and implementation of STATE Club sponsored special events such as the Spring Football Game Membership Drive in April, “Meet the Players Day” in August and the Basketball Kickoff Rally & “Meet the Players” in January are the annual activities.
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